Friday, November 4, 2011

Everett's 2-year Stats

Ev went to the doctor today for his 2 year well check.  All is well, and he was very brave.  Here are his stats.

Height: 37" - 98%tile
Weight: 29lb 2 oz - 60-75%tile
Head: 49cm - 50-75%tile

If you go by the old approximation that his final height will be twice his two year old height, then he is predicted to be 6'2"!  So hard but amazing to imagine him an inch taller than Eric someday.  :)


  1. wow! he is as tall as asher...who's FOUR! and he weighs about a lb less. what a big boy!

  2. You are all such a lovely family. I am missing so much being a far away Auntie. Thank you for sharing all the sweetness and the pictures.
    Love you all,
    Auntie B
