Sunday, March 20, 2011

Rocky Mountain National Park

We had a great visit with Lauren and Sarmad last week.  It was a bummer that Sarmad had to work during the day, but we understand as Eric is often on the other end of that situation.  We did lots of fun stuff, one of which was a hike at the beautiful and snowy Rocky Mountain National Park.  For a pregnant lady at altitude, I will say I found it really challenging to keep up.  But we all survived!  We were hoping to see a frozen waterfall; however, it was frozen AND covered in snow. 

We were probably trying to put his mittens on or something.

Everett and Aunt Lauren (and Dad)

Lauren standing on above mentioned waterfall.

Ev and Dad

Pointing and probably saying "what's that?"

Dad, Everett, and Aunt Lauren
You can probably tell now that I mention it, but we were putting Everett on his feet very gingerly (and placing him by rocks and such).  He had a trip to an Urgent Care earlier that day for what was probably a bruised tibia.  He wasn't bearing weight well on one leg after an accident going down a slide (a really cool one) the previous day.  We were afraid he had a fracture, but the xrays looked good.  Thank goodness - I didn't really want to find out what two days driving home with a kid in a full leg cast is like.  A little Motrin later, he was great. 

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